Fiber vs. Cable Internet: Which works better?

Fiber-vs.-Cable-Internet: Which-works-better

By Mhiduel Navarro

Whenever we come across the word Internet, what comes next? Is it Fiber or cable? These are the two primary options we have when we are choosing or applying for an Internet connection. 

But have you ever wondered the difference between these two? We are here to find out!

So, to start another helpful discussion for your enterprise connectivity, let us know other basics for your Internet connection. It is the Fiber Internet versus the cable or also known as copper Internet.

To differentiate, Fiber Internet is the present-day technology in terms of providing a faster and more efficient Internet connection. Whether for a business or household purpose. It transmits data and information through Fiber Optic Technology is known for being the most advanced medium for your connectivity needs.

On the other hand, Cable or Copper-based Internet connection is known as the traditional or standard connectivity type that works by transmitting electrical signals to a copper cable. 

From these definitions, we can clearly see the advantages and disadvantages already but, there are more details as we dig down on which of these two connection types works well, especially when it comes to your enterprise access and connectivity.

Let us first list the advantages and disadvantages for your company of having a Cable or Copper Internet:

  1. Copper connectivity is way cheaper than others. 
  2. Most parts of the first-world countries have widespread copper networking cables laid.
  3. Said to produce quality Internet connectivity because the distance involved is minimal.

For its disadvantages (Again, we are just getting a clearer point, Fiber vs. Copper):

  1. Copper cables only carry a small number of waveforms.
  2. Because of the mentioned above, the copper cable connection has limited data capacity.

Moving forward to our next connection type provider, we have the Fiber Internet Connection in the Philippines. If you would remember, we already shared a similar previous article discussion on the pros and cons of having a Fiber connection, especially for businesses here in our country.

Yet, we will keep on sharing this as your guide (how’s that?)

Alright. Going back, when we have Fiber Internet Connectivity, your business can get:

  1. Fiber Optic Cable is the latest technology your business will ever get. It can transmit data using the speed of light.
  2. Its optical signals are immune to electromagnetic interference.
  3. Fiber is way thinner than copper that makes it easier to lay and install. That makes it cost-efficient for many businesses who opt to subscribe to it.
  4. Also, Fiber connectivity makes your access and connection secured. (Like we always say *winks)

And how about some “cons”? To this day, many establishments choose Fiber connection as their backbone of virtual access and communications. But, as it is the latest Internet technology for the world, there are still a few improvements and downsides to it. 

  1. Some businesses find Fiber Connection “expensive” to avail.
  2. Though this thing is not a disadvantage, for the sake of information sharing, Fiber Optic Internet Providers in the Philippines are continuing with their widening of serviceable coverage areas to provide Fiber connectivity.

By far, these are the main challenges that Fiber Internet service providers in the Philippines are facing.                                                                                                                                      

So, any thoughts on which works better? 

Given the present facts on Fiber and copper connections, we can say that with the emerging connectivity and technology needs of many businesses here in our country, Fiber Internet shows as the best medium to use.

With its advanced characteristics, faster and more reliable enterprise Internet connectivity that combined with its security features will make your corporate data and information protected against any cyber-attacks. What do you think?

In today’s connected world, enterprises and businesses need highly dependable Internet connectivity to excel in their industries. Having reliable access to the world means higher chances and opportunities. Who would not agree?

Therefore, in choosing the best Fiber Internet in the Philippines for business use, get the one that can offer you both connectivity and convenience. It is to make your company way more advanced and competitive in our fast-growing digital world.

And to take full advantage of these technologies, a company like yours must try to invest in the connection provider that can deliver you long-term service and better results.

Here goes InfiniVAN Fiber4Business, a telecommunications company that provides different businesses and enterprises reliable, super-fast, and secured Fiber Broadband Internet access and connection services.

With InfiniVAN’s state-of-the-art Fiber Optic Technology, it delivers you peace of mind. Added with its dynamic and highly skilled technical team, your business connectivity concerns and needs will be attended to in no time! 

So, this is the perfect reference for your connection partner search! You give questions, we provide you with the best answer. Connect with the ISP that can provide your business success and value. Subscribe to what’s the best TODAY!
